
Saturday, May 2, 2015



Distraction-free reading.

       Well Microsoft finally , revealed the mystery name for the substitution of Microsoft Internet explorer , the Microsoft Edge. Originally given the name as Project Spartan , just for naming sake. The Microsoft Edge is the latest browser from  Windows which will be included as a default browser or not , is still a question, but will come with Windows 10. Why Edge ? , well we will answer that a bit later , but  for now let's see how's it different from other browser's ?

 ( As this is just a preview build , not all features are enabled or bought out)


           Microsoft has cleaned all the unnecessary glitters that come with IE and made it basic with just minimalist looks. Part of that might be because it’s lacking all the final features, but it’s mainly because Microsoft is clearly thinking about stripping this back for the modern era.There’s buttons to access favorites, reading view, a new Web Notes feature, and a section for reading list, favorites management, history, and the download manager. It’s all based on a sliding sidebar, and it feels like the right way to access features and settings.

             The address bar and tabs are where you’d expect to find them, and everything feels like it’s staying out of the way to let you surf the web. That feeling is very similar to how I felt using the modern browser.


                          The most innovative feature of Edge is by sure inking and annotation.Microsoft demonstrated this by drawing all over a article, and from that moment it looked impressive . If you’re using something like the Surface Pro 3 with a stylus, you can simply hit the Web Note button and start inking all over a webpage.There are options to change the ink color, highlighting tools, a way to add comment notes, and even a snippet tool. 

 The web is your canvas.

                          Once you’re done drawing all over a webpage, you can share it via email, upload it to OneDrive, or store it in OneNote. The inking will also work without a stylus on a touchscreen machine or by using a mouse. Everyone will be able to draw on the web with Windows 10. This is by far the best feature and most probably the selling point of Edge.


         So the name comes from here, the Edge Engine developed by Microsoft is the latest engine for rendering.. Microsoft is moving away from the complexity and legacy of Internet Explorer, and it’s starting fresh with Edge . The new Edge rendering engine is designed to be modern, so there’s no support for ActiveX controls and rendered pages should be a lot more compatible. 


            Cortana is the next great feature in the latest browser. While Windows 10 has Cortana built in for search, the digital assistant gets a little more clever in the browser. You can right-click on words on a website and Cortana will find search results for them, and the digital assistant will even automatically find driving directions to a store or restaurant if you’re browsing a particular site.
Find it faster.

 Cortana also works in the address bar when you’re searching. If you start typing "weather," it will automatically surface local weather straight in the address bar, alongside information on stocks and many more .


               While Reading View was part of the Modern IE in Windows 8.1, Microsoft is bringing it to the desktop fully with Edge and Windows 10. It’s very similar to before, and provides a stripped-back reading experience that’s ideal on a tablet or laptop. I found that it doesn’t always work on every page, particularly large ones or ones with a lot of imagery, but it’s ideally suited for article pages, and it declutters everything to focus on the text.

                Reading List is a new addition that syncs URLs between devices and provides a way to read PDFs or webpages offline. It’s not fully enabled in the preview just yet, but it will work similar to the Reading List app for Windows 8.1. I’ve found that Reading List works well if you’re browsing a site on your phone and want to transfer it quickly over to your PC.


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