
Saturday, January 24, 2015




           Windows recently showed of it's new features at their Windows 10 event , on the 21st January 2015.Microsoft showed off more consumer features at this event.Windows 10 is really evolved from it's first build and has got better by day.Windows 10 promises to have a simplified and a unified experience for the Microsoft ecosystem.With it's rival Apple getting closer to the unified experience , Microsoft is not far away. With making Windows 10 as a free upgrade , Microsoft is really closing in the competition.But there's a catch it's available as a free upgrade for only one year.

           Continuum a new experience which was shared in it's previous event , was shown again in the event. Now continuum is a far better experience with much smaller computers.For hybrid the continuum makes a great tool for switching between tablet mode and computer. Whereas now you can take you tablet and dock with a keyboard and a PC is born.
            Cortana the windows phone personal digital assistant now comes for your PC . Cortana learns your personal interest and displays what is important to you.The whole searching experience has changed in Windows 10. You can speak to Cortana or type in the search bar and it searches for you.You can send in an email with cortana and as developers use this feature the more cortana can control things for you.Cortana can not only search the net but also your computer for results.
             With Microsoft's Internet Explorer failing after every version , Microsoft has decided to start afresh . With it's new browser code-named "Spartan" , Microsoft  is trying to  nullify that bad dent in in it's ecosystem .The browser is far modern and has better speed compatibility  and is also the first browser to have annotations built in.You can use the pen or the keyboard for making comment and sharing it. Spartan has a reading mode which removes unnecessary clutter and focuses on the articles mostly. You can save an article for offline reading and synches with all your Window devices.Cortana is now in your Spartan browser also to help you and make it easier for using the experience of browsing.

            Windows 10 as is a unified experience Microsoft has developed some universal apps to show that continuity in the system. With it's universal apps like gallery the experience can be same just tailored in some devices. Office now has the same experience so for the touch screens smaller than 8" the experience is same just tailored to provide a much cleaner experience comparatively.Xbox is also been integrated in Windows 10 and now you can buy a game and play it across all your Windows devices.           

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