
Monday, February 9, 2015



             All ways had that treat of getting viruses due to the unofficial and Internet connections which are not secure , the solution is to buy Antivirus software. But can you buy every device an antivirus software? Or just protect it from where it comes ? . Mostly all the viruses by a Lehman is downloaded due to downloads or unsafe websites. Bit defender has a solution for this  , not installing AV in all devices but a secured Box to behave secure all devices. The Bit defender Box is a new hardware product by company which connects to your Internet connection (Wifi) at home and protects all the devices.      
              The new Bit defender BOX is a mix between a router, network firewall and intrusion prevention system. It is connected to one of the router's  Ethernet ports, so that it protects the router from Internet-based attacks, or can act itself as a router.
               The device has a single-core 400 MHz MIPS microprocessor, 16 MB Flash memory, 64 MB DDR2 RAM, two 10/100 Ethernet ports and a wireless chip set that supports the 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi standards and is capable of speeds up to 150Mbps.
                Bit defender BOX does not affect the network performance when positioned alongside a router to scan network traffic because it doesn’t perform deep packet inspection.The device intercepts and scans only essential parts of the data packets that flow in and out of a network to identify known malicious patterns.This all operations are done on the cloud service by Bit defender.
                Bit defender BOX can identify and block connections to malicious URLs and known bad IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, malware downloads, malformed packets that could indicate incoming attacks and other potential threats.Bit defender will also provide light software agents for Windows, Mac and Android that will communicate with BOX and can act as replacements for antivirus programs
                When a computer is taken outside of the user’s home network, the agent can establish a VPN (virtual private network) connection back to BOX, routing all traffic through it and analyzing it for threats. The device is kept as simple for the non technical users can install them easily. An easy setup with just application based installation takes only few minutes.
                  BOX costs $199, which includes the price of the hardware and a one-year subscription. Users will then have to pay $99 for every year after that, regardless of the number of devices protected by the appliance. This might change the way security companies secure your hardware devices ?. 
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