
Wednesday, February 4, 2015


3DOODLER   2.0


                Last time we saw a device which really changed our thinking of the 3D world was the 3Doodler start-up . This time though it's come around with a 2.0 version , much better around.The original 3Doodler was not all fun with a uncomfortable design and heavy weight of the pen  it was difficult doodling with it. The end result was messy and didn't give the exact results.

              However, the 2.0 is much improved by looking at it in the first sight.The new Doodler is much lighter and thinner too. The new Doodler 2.0 is 75 percent smaller than the original model , which feels much smaller than the size on paper.The weight has also gone down by 50g which makes it quite lighter and just round the pen feeling is given.On the pen there are two buttons to control the speed of the molten plastic and if you double click it will lock the stream of molten plastic.
             The new 3Doodler 2.0 does not have a large fan like it's predecessor but redesigned air vents to cool it. This time it cools faster and does not heat during long hours.The 2.0 version also looses the power consumption and has a whole new power bank type accessory.For advanced users can now control the temperature of the flow of plastic also . The 3Doodler will have a range of accessories as well as types of nozzles for better doodling.

                The 3Doodler version 2.0 comes with a  various bundles starting from $89 but the funded ended on 25th January and has completed it's funding goal on the Kickstarter funding.
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