
Tuesday, October 7, 2014




            Do you have a habit of waking late ? Not exercising ? Quite lazy ?? Come on we all are. This device will make you punctual. PAVLOK is an start up made you to be more productive. Pavlok is a device  which gives you shock !!! Really shock , this will shock-en you up till you have achieved the goal. Pavlok is a small module that can be worn in a variety of ways , for now wristband looks the best . Wristband  will be onto your wrist and keeping your track every time even before you. It will form your habits and the skills you wanted to learn from a long time .

           Manish Sethi is the man behind this idea of getting people shocked and making them more productive. Pavlok  is a device that is like your personal coach, only this one's a way more scary. Pavlok wristband will helps you exercise , wake up on time and help you with the task you have set.It is connected with the Pavlok app to help you set goals  like avoiding social media sites or hitting at the right time into the gym, if you screw up it will pleasurably give you a shock.  

    Some cool features :

  •   The Pavlok alarm will gently wake you up with vibrations and a alarm noise like your mother , but if you miss it after one time snoozing then will give you  ass-kicking shock. 
  •   The exercising feature lets you enter the location of the gym and schedule your timings and if you are not at the position it will do it's best
  •  The best feature is if you are late in the gym or have not completed it a schedule it will post  your failure on facebook page and ohh does it feel bad.
  •   You get rewards for completing your goals as well as  it can also penalty fee if you have not achieved it.

          The main question How badly will be the shock?? Well not to worry the electric shock can be adjusted from a range of 17 volts to upto a riveting 340 volts. Pavlok confirmed that the shock is completely harmless and has to be adjusted by person to person as per their body resistance.Some people can't even feel it while others are shaken.
         Pavlok is being funded by a crowd funded organization Indiegogo , and you can grab up your own Pavlok at the indiegogo website. 

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