
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

iOS 8 and SWIFT


    iOS  8 and A Lot More

                     iOS 8 was unveiled at WWDC 14 which was quite a buzz and we did cover pretty much in the previous post about the new OSX and all the new features which are quite similar.So in this post we continue from the previous one and going to talk about some amazing thigs about apples mobile OS and a whole lot info and great stuff for developers.So let's get started .

iOS 8 


 iOS 8 release date, news and features

             The iOS 8 was much expected as the WW new version would be DC banners should 8 symbol and thus was pretty much confirmed that the unveiled . The iOS 8 didn't come with any major announcements , but just some tweaks and some features not upto that level but some good one's.iOS now let's users actually have widgets in the notification like android and displays even on the lock screen. The widgets are good looking but gives users more ease .But one thing Apple did is to make it interactive even from lock screen which is quite awesome.You can directly send a message from the taskbar by pulling it out and many more interactions without switching to apps.

                 Another great feature of the iOS is interaction of plugins by third party apps which make it quite an interesting for sharing as well as connectivity.For example you can open a Russian webpage and with the help of Bing plugin  the app translates in line with out any new pages to open, Same that of photos which once edited is directly saved so no extra copies of it.With that the Spotlight as we saw in new Mac OS X is also improved and can search even on the web as well as contents. 
 iOS 8 interactive notifications
                   iOS 8 is also seen improving in iMessages as you can now send even voice and video message a straight head on with WhatsApp which still rules even on the iPhone.And you can now access to your favourite chat head directly from the multi-tasker screen.  Keyboard is smarter, but the major announcement is that now you can install third party keyboards.There's anew family column  like WP in iOS now which helps you connect with the family.With that iDrive and Continuty which are features of the OS X is given in detail in previous version.

                      Apple announced it's Health app as well as Home App which is quite simple and just plugs in with other apps if you want and produce the result in an efficient manner it also connects with  all your home as well as fitness devices respectively.

 iOS 8 smart home

iOS 8 will be compatible with:

iPhone 4s
iPhone 5
iPhone 5c
iPhone 5s
iPod touch 5th generation
iPad 2
iPad with Retina display
iPad Air
iPad mini
iPad mini with Retina display


                              Apple has officially dropped objective -C  their most used language , No this is not some car name or any new product it's Apple's new programming language  called Swift.Now Apple claims it's much faster than objective language.

Swift has  features to make your code more expressive:
  • Closures unified with function pointers
  • Tuples and multiple return values
  • Generics
  • Fast and concise iteration over a range or collection
  • Structs that support methods, extensions, protocols.
  • Functional programming patterns, e.g.: map and filter


 Swift has also added playground in Apple's chest .With playgrounds, you can:

  • Design a new algorithm, watching its results every step of the way
  • Create new tests, verifying they work before promoting into your test suite
  • Experiment with new APIs to hone your Swift coding skills
   They have also added Metal and sprite kit and Scene kit for all game developers.
As well as all the API's and it also includes Touch ID API  and lot's more.
Get the Detailed info here


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