
Friday, July 18, 2014

BlackBerry : Now comes with Siri like assistant

BlackBerry : Personal Assistant

BlackBerry Passport, BlackBerry Assistant, passport, square blackberry

            Blackberry is going down day by day and literally trying to make it's mark again in the market.Though the market sales of Blackberry is also going down day by day.BBM messenger is also not keeping upto the mark.But leave the past aside and now Blackberry has come with it's own Personal Assistant to up it's down going handset sales.
                 Up Ahead of its BlackBerry OS 10.3 launch and the much anticipated Blackberry Passport is already to launch.Now the company is telling future.The company detailed BlackBerry Assistant on its official blog today, and the feature looks unsurprisingly like Siri and Cortana for iOS and Windows Phone respectively.
Assistant main use
               The Assistant looks like an Cortana mixed with Siri . With the circles like cortana and somewhat hearbeat like Siri. Blackberry Assistant  offers  helpful shortcuts for certain actions, like sending a BBM, a text, an email or checking the weather . It learns as you use it, according to the blog post, and it can be called up by voice just like Google Now on the latest version of Android, plus it works out of the both with Bluetooth voice input devices.
                    The Assistant looks to have some special powers aimed at enterprise and BlackBerry users specifically, like the ability to mark messages in the BlackBerry Hub unread or to alter notification settings.
Is this  personal assistant enough to save the drowning titanic of BlackBerry? Well frankly its too late and with it it will help some boost but again Blackberry has to do something extraordinary to get back in the Game.
 Assistant two up
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