
Thursday, July 10, 2014




     Adobe is really trying beyond  it's paper , going with it's first hardware products .And it is not a tablet for viewing PDF's but a digital pen and ruler and only for the iPad.Naming the pen and ruler -- Ink and Slide, called so by Adobe and are sold on Ink and Slide comes with a bundled iPad apps designed specifically for their use : Adobe Line and Adobe Sketch.
                                 The apps are available on the App store and doesn't cost anything.On one side the Line is focused on drawing while on the other  Sketch is built for sharing your art and seeking feedback on Adobe’s Behance social network for creative professionals. The Ink Stylus has a lot of creativity options like you can draw in them with various digital pencil, pen and brush tips you can control with just your finger.
                               Slide-- the Digital Ruler, helps you draw straight lines as well as different library of digital drafting templates. Slide replaces not just a straight-edge, but all of the stencils like perfect circles, squares, triangles, arcs and other shapes. Slide brings all  these shapes and templates onscreen making easy for user to just trace it with Ink.
                          Adobe also helps you to use Ink and Slide and lets you upload drawings to an Adobe Creative Cloud account .  Adobe says this allows your iPad—along with Ink, Slide and the two app ,to replace paper sketchbooks and the collection of pens, pencils and drafting templates (BAsically the Burden)all have been carrying around.


              INK :
                            The Ink is just like a stylus which helps you BUT IS IT  it is far more than that with Ink you can not only just draw but feel like drawing with an actual pencil.It has a pressure sensitive tip which allows it to detect the various pressures applied by the user.It can widen the size on pressure as well as the opposite.The Ink has a button which allows you to access it's various functions . If you press the button you can see an circled design display like the NOTE 3 stylus but a better interface.You can directly choose colors as well as brush size .You can save it to the Creative Cloud or store it on the iPad itself.
                                But you need to connect to the app before hand and then the Ink can be freely accessed.The Ink needs to charged and Adobe provides  you with an USB cable and a charging Dock which is quite simpler to use . The Pen can also loose it sensitivity by using it with other apps not certified by Adobe.But saying all that this by far the best stylus or Pen  in the available market for an iPad.

            SLIDE :
                        By seeing the product for the first time I felt a little confusion as what this product is , will it enlarge or will it open a slider. But it was far more advanced.The moment you place the Slider on the surface an scale like template appears , so for the first time it feels akward but after a few lines it really feels like a ruler.And Ink very quickly traces it .IT can not only draw lines but Shapes as well . The Moment you click on the Slider's button you get a circle template which can be enlarged by our old technique the pinch-zoom.And not only your simple templates But provides with a French-Curve as well many other technical drawing templates as well.
                                 But this guy doesn't even need  a charging port you just place it and all things happen magically
           WHERE'S THE ERASER :
                                  You must be thinking were did the eraser go . Well it seems you don't need one Just swipe three fingers completely and your whole drawing is erased or you can break it.
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                                Adobe's come up with an amazing first product and seems to be hailing for the long run . We hope this turns out to be true and it makes more such amazing innovations.But one main con will be that it will be currently just available for the iPad.
Requires iPad (4th generation), iPad Air, iPad Mini or iPad Mini with Retina display.

View more info at Adobe
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