
Saturday, May 17, 2014

UNI8 : IS This THE LG's Wimdows Phone Handset


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                          Microsoft in its build conference revealed some OEM partners along which LG ,Huawei , Lenovo and ZTE although LG has worked with Microsoft before and also released some Windows 7 handsets and the company  is looking to come back to this market.
                          Although Windows has not been as successful as it's competitors  in the phone business and did not get the push with win7 but as the Windows Phone 8 release and the Nokia partnering got it a new direction as well as reception in the market.Now with WP 8.1 the company is getting serious about the mobility world.
                        The LG phone was leaked by the  twitter user evLeaks is known for its accuratetips related to unreleased smartphones, has posted a render of a large screen Windows Phone 8.1 handset, with the monicker LG Uni8.                                                   The phone featured in the image has very thin bezel and sports virtual and looks about a 5+ inch screen it is seen that it has on-screen navigation keys very  similar to the Nokia Lumia 630. It runs Windows Phone 8.1 as evident from the background wallpaper and on-screen keys. Looks it might have a front camera  , but not sure of that.                                                                                                                                                     
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