
Monday, May 5, 2014


PAPERFOLD :A device with multiple forms

                       The Paper Fold was unvieled at the ACM CHI 2014 conference in Toronto.Scientist have developed what they called the worlds first foldable smart-phone which can change into tablet and notebook using screens and for support hinges.


                   The device uses  three electrophoretic displays which provides extra screen real estate when needed and also allows users to change shape whenever needed.Displays are detachable such that the users have various forms  and shapes ranging from an ultra-portable laptop to a foldout map.

                  "In PaperFold each display tile can act independently or as a part of system.It allows multiple device form factors,providing support for mobile task that require large screen real estate or keyboards on demand,while retaining ultra-compact,ultra-portable and lightweight  form factors" said Dr Vertegaal , a professor in school of Computing and director of Human Media Lab at Queens University , Canada.

                 PaperFold automatically recognises it's shape and changes its required graphics to provide better functionality.Typically mobile devices require scrolling and zooming in order to see different parts of a document whereas paper can be folded , detached  or combined allowing itt to acces multiple forms.So this is why the name and that how it's designed for better forms of reading and lesser problems.

              Still in development stage to make the product more user friendly but looks like this is the way ahead as today we are having smartphones , tablets as well as notebooks why not make it  one device which is something like this.Hope this goes beyond our dreams.

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